Notas sobre Juan Bautista Alberdi y los sentimientos familiares


  • Graciela Martínez Aráoz Asociación Sanmartiniana Libertador de América. Tucumán, Argentina


Alberdi, Aráoz, Colombres, society, family, history, Tucumán, France


This research is mainly based on previous studies carried out by the well-known historians Oscar A. Fonio and Carlos A. Luque Colombres. The first of them talks about Manuel, son of Alberdi and his career. For his part, Luque Colombres analyzes numer-
ous family letters between Alberdi and the Aráoz family, taken from the Alberdian Museum placed in the Furt Library (city of Luján, Buenos Aires).

The Tucumán Bar Association is another important source dedicated to the so-called “architect of the Republic”, together with other contributions. Following the classification in six periods made by Manuel Lizondo Borda in his study of Alberdi, we honor his
memory by presenting his most notorious family and affective ties throughout his life.

When analyzing the letters consulted, events and family circumstances emerge for various reasons. From these antecedents, we highlight the clear and deep relationship of filial love existing between its members, the central theme of this work. The refer-
ences on Manuel Alberdi and his work in collecting and publishing numerous certifications belonging to his father are remarkable. With hymns and verses dedicated to our hero, placing some images of relatives, this chosen aspect of history is developed.
We express our interest of not letting the interest in that spiritual world wane, a world sometimes ignored and full of emotion for pleasant companionships through correspondence, whose reading makes one shudder when understanding that many of the
authors would get to know each other through their thoughts and lessons recorded in their writings while others... only through their portraits. We hope this work makes a significant contribution to culture through our protagonist, the illustrious Tucumanian
Juan Bautista Alberdi, his family and feelings.


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How to Cite

Martínez Aráoz, G. (2023). Notas sobre Juan Bautista Alberdi y los sentimientos familiares. Historia Y Cultura, 6, 60–98. Retrieved from
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