La construcción del paisaje a partir de la recuperación de los objetos simbólicos que hacen a la identidad de un lugar: La puesta en valor del Jardín Botánico Miguel Lillo en San Miguel de Tucumán



Oscar Chelela


Jardín Botánico, arquitectura, paisajismo


This investigation deals with the subject of the construction of landscape from the recovery of the symbolic objects that make the identity of a place and can be used in the processes of design. The landscape, considered as a human product is constructed from perception, and conform the close relation than exist between man and territory, materialized in a greater or lesser extent by natural and/or build origin components with a certain configuration. In this respect the reality that surrounds us is composed by
a joint of objects loaded with value, that in the perceptual act generate
pressure or stimulation in the observer and form a true “symbolic universe” (Cassirer, 1967). Inside this universe, the objects define places, and are
the bearers of the identity value of the place itself and those who live and
perceive it. The general objective of this work is to propose some mechanisms that will allow identify and recover the symbolic objects that make the identity of places and landscape, to be used in a concrete way in the projectual decision taking for the revaluating of the Miguel Lillo botanical garden in San Miguel de Tucuman, concreting its materialization and verifying the actions.


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La puesta en valor del Jardín Botánico Miguel en San Miguel de Tucumán



November 9, 2021
