Miscelanea 139 (2017): Catalogue of the Phycological Collection of Miguel Lillo Foundation: Part II: Material from the Kryptogamae exsiccatae



María S. Bustos
Silvia N. Martínez De Marco
María de los Á. Taboada
Virginia Mirande
Fundación Miguel Lillo
Beatriz C. Tracanna
Fundación Miguel Lillo
Editor/a científico/a: Myriam del V. Catania


Algae, Cryptogamic Herbarium (LIL), Kryptogamae exsiccatae


Bustos, María S.; Silvia N. Martínez De Marco; María de los Á. Taboada; Virginia Mirande; Beatriz C. Tracanna. 2017. “Catalogue of the Phycological Collection of Miguel Lillo Foundation. Part II: Material from the Kryptogamae exsiccatae”. The aim of this contribution is to introduce the list of algal material coming from the Kryptogamae exsiccatae edited by the Museum of Natural History of Wien and preserved in the Phycological Collec- tion. The 489 algal samples catalogued are distributed among 198 genera of the Divisions: Cyanophyta (131 samples), Chlorophyta (111), Charophyta (87), Rhodophyta (82), Ochrophyta (77) and Dinophyta (1). The most relevant collectors represented in the collection are S. Stockmayer (58 ejemplares), F. Filárszky (39), E. C. Teodorescu (36), C. Rechinger (36) and K. von Keissler (28). The preserved material corresponds mainly to the european algal flora from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


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June 2, 2017