Miscelanea 138 (2017). Especímenes Tipo faltantes de la colección histórica de Rolf Singer



Teresa C. Perera
Claudia C. Izarduy
María P. Languasco
Adriana I. Hladki
Fundación Miguel Lillo
Editor/a científico/a: Myriam del V. Catania


Agaricales, Catalog, Digilio Herbarium


Perera, Teresa C.; Claudia C. Izarduy; María P. Languasco; Adriana I. Hladki. 2017. “Missing Type specimens of the historical collection of Rolf Singer”. Miscelanea 138. A catalog of the 131 Type specimens of the historical collection of Singer that are missing, due to losses or destruction by pest, belonging to the Digilio Herbarium of the Miguel Lillo Foundation (LIL) is present. This information will appoint lectotypes or neotypes by specialists, that is to say, copies or selected to serve as nomenclatural type when there is no original material or while missing artwork.

Recibido: 29/11/16 – Aceptado: 16/08/17


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June 1, 2017