Serie Conservación de la Naturaleza 20 (2015): Diversidad y evaluación toxicológica de peces como indicadores de contaminación por mercurio, plomo, cadmio, cobre y arsénico, provincia de Tucumán, República Argentina



C. Butí
F. Cancino
S. Ferullo
C. Gamundi


Biodiversity of fishes, heavy metals, mining pollution, Tucumán


“Diversity and toxicological evaluation of fish as contamination indicators for mercury, lead, cadmium, copper and arsenic in Tucumán province, Argentina”. The deterioration of water quality in natural environments is inherent to any human activity. Mining activities impact on water bodies, causing the accumulation of heavy metals in aquatic biota. Its detection in edible fish is a priority, since it bioaccumulates and magnifies, compromising human health, that of other organisms that ingest them and the environment. Until now, this type of study had not been conducted in fishes in the Tucumán province. The objective of this study was to evaluate: the accumulation of heavy metals and the fish biodiversity in relation to pollution. Nine collecting trips were conducted in rivers and dams (from October to November of 2000). Twenty-seven species were recorded, finding in more polluted environments: lower species richness, diversity and equity and the presence of a generalist dominant species. Mercury, cadmium, lead, copper and arsenic were evaluated, of which the first three exceeded guide levels of the Argentine Food Code and the World Health Organization, in species used for human consumption. Fish tissue samples should be regularly examined and restrictive measures should be taken, not on fishing sports, but on the consumption of involved species.


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June 1, 2015

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