Capítulo de libro

The potencial of using natural enemies and chemical compounds in quinoa for biological control of insect pest

Libro: Quinoa: Improvement and Sustainable Production. eds K. Murphy and J. Matanguihan), John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ, USA.

This chapter discusses existing information on harmful and beneficial insects of quinoa. Insects associated with quinoa consist of diverse phytophagous and entomophagous organisms. Natural enemies of phytophagous insects are classified as parasitoids, predators, or pathogens. The chapter introduces the concept of chemical interactions between plants and insects and discusses the chemical potential of quinoa to repel the attack of herbivorous insects. It examines the short-term and long-term effects of changes in quinoa production. The chapter explores possible solutions to the challenges posed by current quinoa farming within the context of sustainable agroecosystems. Most of the information on biological control in the Andean quinoa crop comes from studies on entomophagous insects. It is vital to conduct research and promote the sustainable management of quinoa to preserve plant and animal biodiversity where quinoa is grown and to protect the biotic interactions between quinoa and other Andean crops.