Neotropical Daedalea (Basidiomycota, Fomitopsidaceae) revisited: Daedalea rajchenbergiana sp. nov. from Brazil




Brown-rot, ‘antrodia’ clade, Taxonomy, Neotropical polypores


Great progress has been made in recent years on taxonomy of brown rot polypores based on phylogenetical evidence, mainly Daeadalea within Fomitopsidaceae. However, the relations within the Fomitopsidaceae family remain unresolved. Some neotropical species of Daedalea were never included in molecular phylogenetic analyses, such as D. aethalodes, D. ryvardeniana, and south American specimens of D. modesta. To clarify the relationships of those species within Daedalea we carried out molecular phylogenetic analyses based on five molecular markers (ITS, nLSU, nSSU, RPB2, and TEF-1). Daedalea s. s. was recovered as a strongly supported clade including most species, however, Daedalea radiata grouped with Rodofomitopsis. A new neotropical species, Daedalea rajchenbergiana sp. nov., was described based on molecular phylogeny, morphology, and distribution evidence. The placement of Daedalea aethalodes, D. ryvardeniana, and D. rajchenbergiana sp. nov. within Daedalea s. s. was confirmed.


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Revisión de Daedalea (Basidiomycota, Fomitopsidaceae) en el  Neotrópico: Daedalea rajchenbergiana sp. nov. del Brasil




Como Citar

Cristaldo Centurión, E., Kossmann, T., Campi , M. ., Maubet, Y., Costa-Rezende, D., Drechsler-Santos, R., & Robledo, G. (2022). Neotropical Daedalea (Basidiomycota, Fomitopsidaceae) revisited: Daedalea rajchenbergiana sp. nov. from Brazil. Lilloa, 59(suplemento), 273–289.
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