About the Journal

On-line version ISSN 2346-9641
Printed version ISSN 0075-9481 (until December/2016)

Lilloa is a periodic publication of the Miguel Lillo Foundation (Tucumán, Argentina), founded in 1937. It publishes original papers and review articles evaluated on Botany, mycology and phycology; including ecological, anatomical, physiological, cytological, genetic, palynological, phytogeographic, applied botany and paleobotanical issues.

The journal is open to papers that contribute to the knowledge of national and international scientific research. It is intended for researchers, professionals and students of the biological sciences and related disciplines. Each year, one volume is published with two biannual issues, the online version publishes in June and December.

Accepted contributions will be in the form of articles or reviews, communication or notes in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

URL: lilloa.lillo.org.ar
Email: revistalilloa@lillo.org.ar
DOI: doi.org/10.30550/j.lil


Current Issue

Lilloa 61 (1) (2024)
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