Epidendrum bermejoense (Orchidaceae), new species from northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia


  • Nora B. Muruaga Herbario Fanerogámico (LIL), Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • María F. Parrado Herbario Fanerogámico (LIL), Fundación Miguel Lillo




Distribution, Epidendrum, Orchidaceae, taxonomy


Epidendrum bermejoense (Orchidaceae, Epidendreae, Laeliinae) from northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia is described and illustrated. The new taxon is a monopodial growth herb, of arched inflorescence and pauciflora; flowers with the middle lobe well divided into a pair of divergent lobes falcate to lanceolate and wider than the lateral lobes. It is similar to a group of species characterized by having cy- lindrical stems with conspicuous nodes, petals often narrower than sepals, with the bilobed medium lobed and pollen usually compressed and bird wing shaped. A key is included to differentiate it from: E. lindbergii Rchb. f., E. andres-johnsonii Hágsater & E. Santiago, E. densiflorum Hook. and E. hassleri Cogn., all belonging to the group Pseudoepidendrum subgroup Densiflorum. With this work, another entity is added to the knowledge of the flora of northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Muruaga, N. B., & Parrado, M. F. (2019). Epidendrum bermejoense (Orchidaceae), new species from northwestern Argentina and southern Bolivia. Lilloa, 56(1), 54–63. https://doi.org/10.30550/j.lil/2019.56.1/4
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