New Records of Bacillariophyceae in Lotic Ecosystems of Argentine Northwest I


  • María de los Á. Taboada Instituto de Ficología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Silvia N. Martínez De Marco Instituto de Ficología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Beatriz Tracanna UEL-CONICET
  • M. Soledad Bustos Instituto de Ficología, Fundación Miguel Lillo


Argentina, stream, diatoms


Taboada, María de los Á.; Silvia N. Martínez De Marco; Beatriz Tracanna; M. Soledad Bustos. 2017. “New records of Bacillariophyceae in lotic ecosystems of Argentine Northwest I”. Lilloa 54 (2). The orographic and climatic conditions of the Argentine Northwest allow the existence of numerous lotic ecosystems that harbor a great diversity in their biota. The Calimayo and Mista streams are part of the Salí river basin. In these systems the diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) constitute a very broad taxonomic group with a high specific richness. The objective of this work was to present 25 new diatom records for the Argentine Northwest among which 5 are cited for the first time for Tucumán, 7 for Argentina Northwest and 13 for the country. Seasonal samplings were carried out in both streams from 2012 to 2014, biotic data (epilithon and phytoplankton) and abiotic data were collected according to conventional methodologies. The dimensions, geographic distribution and ecological characteristics of the taxa cited for the first time for NOA and the country are detailed, and presented along with photographs of optical microscopy. The research and the diatomological surveys carried out at regional level increased the knowledge on the distribution and autoecology of the studied species.


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How to Cite

Taboada, M. de los Á., Martínez De Marco, S. N., Tracanna, B., & Bustos, M. S. (2017). New Records of Bacillariophyceae in Lotic Ecosystems of Argentine Northwest I. Lilloa, 54(2), 240–256. Retrieved from
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