Berberis fiebrigii (Berberidaceae), su presencia en Argentina


  • Hugo Ayarde Instituto de Ecología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Eva Bulacio Instituto de Ecología, Fundación Miguel Lillo


Berberis, Calilegua, geographical distribution, northwest argentine


Ayarde, Hugo; Eva Bulacio. 2017. “ Berberis fiebrigii (Berberidaceae), its presence in Argentina”. Lilloa 54 (1). This paper, on the basis of collections from the Sierras de Calilegua (Jujuy), mentions for the first time for Argentina to Berberis fiebrigi C. K. Schneid. (Berberidaceae). Berberis fiebrigii is a shrub that grows above 2000 m in the upper level of the mountain forests from the center of southern of Bolivia to the northwest of Argentina. The records of the Calilegua mountains are the most austral of the species and the only one know so far for Argentina. This species is characterized by paniculate inflorescences, small flowers (4-5 mm diam.) and estylose fruits. A detailed description of the species, illustrations, photographs and a key differentiating related species are included.


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How to Cite

Ayarde, H., & Bulacio, E. (2017). Berberis fiebrigii (Berberidaceae), su presencia en Argentina. Lilloa, 54(1), 13–18. Retrieved from
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