Anatomy of rhizome, root and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Cheilanthes pruinata Kaulf. and C. myriophylla Desv. (Pteridaceae) in Nor thwestern Argentina


  • Marcela A. Hernández Instituto Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Patricia L. Albornoz Instituto Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Flavia Rodríguez Instituto Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Soledad Serrano Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo


Anatomy, rhizome, roots, mycorrhizal arbuscular, Cheilanthes, Pteridaceae


Hernández, Marcela; Patricia Albornoz; Flavia Rodríguez; Soledad Serrano. 2008. “Anatomy of rhizome, root and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Cheilanthes pruinata Kaulf. and C. myriophylla Desv. (Pteridaceae) in Nor thwestern Argentina”. Lilloa 45 (1-2). Cheilanthes pruinata and C. myriophylla grow in rocky areas between 1500 and 4800 meters above sea level. The aims of the present work are to analyze the anatomy of the rhizome and the root and to evaluate the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with these species in Northwestern Argentina. The work was done with fresh material collected from Tucumán, Salta and Jujuy, with conventional anatomic and endomycorrhizic techniques. The results show that in both species the rhizome is solenostelic and the roots are diarch. The rhizome and the roots display abundant fibers and macroesclereids. C. pruinata shows endomycorrhizal colonization: hifal 66,2%, vesicular 5,5%, arbuscular 1,6% and C. myriophylla: hifal 51,2%, vesicular 5,4%, arbuscular 6,2%. The native spores found in the rizospheric soil of both species are placed in Glomus. The presence of mycorrhizal arbuscular fungi in the radicular system of C. pruinata and C. myriophylla is repor ted for the first time in our country. The existence of mycorrhiza associated with the observed anatomic characters may help the survival of these ferns in xeric mountain environments.


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How to Cite

Hernández, M. A., Albornoz, P. L., Rodríguez, F., & Serrano, S. (2008). Anatomy of rhizome, root and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Cheilanthes pruinata Kaulf. and C. myriophylla Desv. (Pteridaceae) in Nor thwestern Argentina. Lilloa, 45(1-2), 73–82. Retrieved from
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