Note on the population structure of trees in the plain of Los Mogotes Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina


  • Rodolfo Omar Varela Instituto de Ecología - Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Gloria S. Jaime Instituto de Ambientes de Montaña y Regiones Áridas - UNDEC, Chilecito


Abundance, Regeneration, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco, Monte, Chaco, arid lands


Varela, Rodolfo Omar; Gloria S. Jaime. 2010. “Note on the population structure of trees in the plain of Los Mogotes Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina”. Lilloa 47 (1- 2). The population structure of trees in the eastern plain to Los Mogotes Colorados (north extreme), placed in the central-western of province of La Rioja was analyzed. The vegetation is a shrubland with few scattered trees, dominated by species of Monte region. In 10 plots of 10 x 100 m (= 1 ha) were surveyed 77 trees (basal area = 1.75 m2) and 117 seedlings of three species. The 90% of the trees and 66% of the seedlings belong to Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco (Apocynaceae) which is represented in all diameter classes and with seedlings in all the hight classes. The results show that the quebracho blanco, typical species of the arid Chaco, is the most abundant tree, with greater capacity for regeneration. This indicates that the studied plain is an ecotone between the Monte and Chaco arid regions. The expansion of quebracho-blanco in the Antinaco-Los Colorados valley probably is produced by an increase in precipitation in the region.


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How to Cite

Varela, R. O., & Jaime, G. S. (2010). Note on the population structure of trees in the plain of Los Mogotes Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina. Lilloa, 47(1-2), 118–122. Retrieved from
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