Algal Component Study in the Lower Basin of Cuarto River (Cordoba, Argentina)


  • María E. Luque Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físico-Químicas y Naturales. UNRC
  • Ana Luján Martínez de Fabricius Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físico-Químicas y Naturales. UNRC


Rivers, phytoplankton, diversity, biotic index, Cuarto river


Luque, María Elisa; Ana Luján Martinez de Fabricius. “Algal Component Study in the Lower Basin of Cuarto River (Cordoba, Argentina)”. Lilloa 47 (1-2). We analyzed the composition and abundance of the transport algae assemblage, phytoplankton and drifting benthos, in the lower basin of Cuar to river. Sampling was seasonal from spring 1999 to spring 2000. We selected three locations: Reduccion, La Carlota (urban section) and Puente Olmos. Samples were collected for biological studies and determination of nutrients. The plankton was obtained by filtration of 100 liters of water through plankton net of 25 µm and recorded physical and chemical parameters. 103 taxa were identified: 3 Cyanophyceae, 4 Chlorophyceae, 96 Bacillariophyceae. The highest density was recorded in Puente Olmos in winter 2000 with 17 org/ml. The maximum diversity was recorded in Reduccion with 4,26 in spring 2000 and the lowest was 2,52 in La Carlota in winter. The Biotic Index Sladecek characterizes the stretch within the range studied ?-mesosaprobio, except for La Carlota, in autumn, as ?-mesosaporobio. The low density was related mainly to the high turbidity and settleable solids.


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How to Cite

Luque, M. E., & Martínez de Fabricius, A. L. (2010). Algal Component Study in the Lower Basin of Cuarto River (Cordoba, Argentina). Lilloa, 47(1-2), 95–106. Retrieved from
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