Mor fphology and Anatomy of the sporophyte of Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Pteridaceae)


  • Marcela A. Hernández Instituto de Morfología Vegetal. Fundación Miguel Lillo


Pteridaceae, Adiantopsis, anatomy, frond, rhizome, root


Hernández, Marcela A.; Flavia P. Rodríguez. 2010. “Mor fphology and Anatomy of the sporophyte of Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Pteridaceae)”. Lilloa 47 (1-2). Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Sw.) Fée, is the unique species of the genus in Northwestern Argentina, where it is found in disturbed communities and at exposed places between 300 y 1600 m asl. This study is framed in a research on Pteridaceae and its aim is the morphological and anatomical characterization of this species. The research was done with fresh material. Cross and longitudinal sections were obtained. The lamina were clarified. Slides were colored with different dyes. Stomatic index, frequency, trichome size were calculated for n=15 individuals with 5 replicates. The leaf are hipostomatic. The stomata have 40,5 x 27,3 µm, are polocytic, anomocytic and diacytic type. The stomata index is 24,92 and the frequency is 114 stomata/mm2. The glandular hairs are 90,6 µm long with 1-2 cells at base. The lamina are dorsiventral. Both parenchymas have 2-3 layers of cells. Protostelic nerves. Semiterete petiole and rachis. Adaxial side of the petiole with 2 wings. Epidermis and sub epidermis esclerotic. Petiole and rachis are semiterete, adaxially with two narrow wings and glandular hairs like those of the lamina. The rhizome is solenostelic and covered by bicolored scales. The roots are diarch. The morphological and anatomical characters observed are xeromorphic


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How to Cite

Hernández, M. A. (2010). Mor fphology and Anatomy of the sporophyte of Adiantopsis chlorophylla (Pteridaceae). Lilloa, 47(1-2), 85–94. Retrieved from
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