Micromycetes on bark and/ or wood of Podocarpus parlatorei from Argentina. VII. Ascomycota. Hysteriales


  • Myriam del Valle Catania Fundación Miguel Lillo, Laboratorio de Micología
  • Andrea I. Romero Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires


micromycetes, Ascomycota, Hysteriales, Podocarpus parlatorei,, Argentina


Catania, Myriam del Valle; Andrea I. Romero. 2010. “Micromycetes on bark and/ or wood of Podocarpus parlatorei from Argentina. VII. Ascomycota. Hysteriales”. Lilloa 47 (1-2). Species of Glonium, Gloniopsis and Hysterographium on bark and/ or wood of Podocarpus parlatorei are described and illustrated. They are new recorded for Nor th-West of Argentina. Data of teleomorph-anamorph, geographical distribution and habitat are provided.


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How to Cite

Catania, M. del V., & Romero, A. I. (2010). Micromycetes on bark and/ or wood of Podocarpus parlatorei from Argentina. VII. Ascomycota. Hysteriales. Lilloa, 47(1-2), 46–53. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/436
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