Anatomy of leaf, stem and root of Phenax laevigatus (Urticaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina


  • Cecilia N. Cabrera Cát. Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e IML, UNT
  • Patricia N. Asesor Cát. Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e IML, UNT
  • Patricia L. Albornoz Cát. Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e IML, UNT-Instituto Mor fología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Marta Arias Cát. Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e IML, UNT


Anatomy, leaf, stem, root, Phenax laevigatus, Urticaceae


Cabrera, Cecilia N.; Patricia N. Asesor; Patricia L. Albornoz; Marta E. Arias. 2010. “Anatomy of leaf, stem and root of Phenax laevigatus (Urticaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina”. Lilloa 47 (1-2). This paper describes the anatomy of leaf, stem and root of P. Laevigatus, a shrub with a high forage value and is part of the diet of herbivorous that lives in Las Yungas, Tucumán. The material used was fresh and fixed in FAA. Conventional histological techniques were used. The leaf is dorsiventral and hypostomatic. Stomata are anomocytic and anisocytic type. Trichomes are single and glandular. Cystolits and druses are present. Petiole exhibit five collateral vascular bundles and stomata in columns. Stem present early secondary structure and secondary typical, phloem associated with mucilage fibres, discontinuous bands of the parenchyma tissue associated with xylem. Root with primary structure of the diarch type and secundary structure have grains of starch in xylematic parenchyma. The anatomic characteristics of the vegetative organs of P. laevigatus could be the base for subsequent studies related with herbivorous diet.


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How to Cite

Cabrera, C. N., Asesor, P. N., Albornoz, P. L., & Arias, M. (2010). Anatomy of leaf, stem and root of Phenax laevigatus (Urticaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina. Lilloa, 47(1-2), 24–32. Retrieved from
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