Leaf anatomy and root Urera caracasana (Ur ticaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina


  • Natividad G. Ávila Hael Cátedra Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e Instituto Miguel Lillo
  • María A. Saracho Bottero Cátedra Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e Instituto Miguel Lillo, UNT
  • Jorgelina V. Medaglia Cátedra Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e Instituto Miguel Lillo, UNT
  • Patricia L. Albornoz Cátedra Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e Instituto Miguel Lillo, UNT-Instituto Mor fología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Marta Arias Cátedra Anatomía Vegetal, Fac. Cs. Nat. e Instituto Miguel Lillo, UNT


Anatomy, leaf morphology, leaf, root, Urera Caracasana, Urticaceae


Ávila Hael, Natividad G.; María A. Saracho Bottero; Jorgelina V. Medaglia; Patricia L. Albornoz; Marta E. Arias. 2010. “Leaf anatomy and root Urera caracasana (Ur ticaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina”. Lilloa 47 (1-2). U. caracasana is located on the lower montane forest, between 500 and 800 msnm. This paper describes the anatomy of leaf and root. Fresh material was fixed in FAA. Conventional histological techniques were used. Leaves are simple, alternate with pinnate venation, caspedódroma, dorsiventral, hypostomatic. Stomata are actinocytic and cyclocytic type. Trichomes are single, glandular and stinging. Cystolits are present in leaf. The petiole is subcircular with trichomes similar to leaves. Blade and petiole have calcium oxalate crystals in the form of druses. The elements of diagnostic value for identification of this species are: types of stomata, leaf trichomes and crystals and secondary structure type root.


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How to Cite

Ávila Hael, N. G., Saracho Bottero, M. A., Medaglia, J. V., Albornoz, P. L., & Arias, M. (2010). Leaf anatomy and root Urera caracasana (Ur ticaceae) in the province of Tucumán, Argentina. Lilloa, 47(1-2), 17–23. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/433
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