Pollen morphology of two species of cultivated Bauhinia in the Northwest of Argentina (Leguminosae: Caesalpinoideae


  • María E. García Laboratorio de Palinología, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Botánica
  • Nora J. Reyes Laboratorio de Palinología, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Botánica


Pollen morphology, Bauhinia forficata, Bauhinia variegata, Argentina


García, María Elena; Reyes, Nora Julieta F. 2011. “Pollen morphology of two species of cultivated Bauhinia in the Northwest of Argentina (Leguminosae: Caesalpinoideae)”. Lilloa 48 (1). In order to contribute to the knowledge of the pollen Morphology and to incorporate this material to the Pollen Atlas of the Northwest Argentine, a detailed study of MO and MEB in acetolized and natural pollen of two species of cultivated Bauhinia in the province of Tucumán is presented. We need to clarify that the mentioned Atlas contains descriptions of acetolized and natural pollen to facilitate their identification in the aeropalynologic samples. The studied species are: Bauhinia forficata Link ssp. pruinosa (Vogel) For tunato & Wunderlin and B. variegata L. In the first case, grains are 125 x 139 µm very large, oblateesferoidal, 4-6 zonocolpate, relatively short and wide colpi. Reticulate-semitectate exine of 3- 3,4 µm thick with supratectal gemmated processes. On the other hand, pollen of B. variegata presents a completely different morphology. The acetolized grains are 44 x 61 µm large, prolate to prolate-esferoidal while in the natural state they are oblate spheroidal to suboblated. In relation to the openings, they are trizonocolporated, ora lolongated of 7-10 x 2-3 µm contracted at the level of equator in the acetolized grains, while in the natural state they are prominent and slightly lolongated. They have a semitectate-striated exine of 2-2,5 µm thick.


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How to Cite

García, M. E., & Reyes, N. J. (2011). Pollen morphology of two species of cultivated Bauhinia in the Northwest of Argentina (Leguminosae: Caesalpinoideae. Lilloa, 48(1), 65–73. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/424
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