Biodeterioration caused by Bryophytes, lichenized Ascomycetes and Cyanobacteria in a sculpture (Tucumán, Argentina)


  • Amalia B. Biasuso Área de Botánica, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Adriana I. Hladki Área de Botánica, Fundación Miguel Lillo


Agents of biodeterioration, sculpture, Tucumán, Argentina


Biasuso, Amalia B. & Adriana I. Hladki. 2011. “Biodeterioration caused by Bryophytes, lichenized Ascomycetes and Cyanobacteria in a sculpture (Tucumán, Argentina)”. Lilloa 48 (1). Nine agents of biodeterioration were registered and illustrated: Bryopsida: Bryum argenteum Hedw., Erpodium beccarii (Brid.) Müll. Hall., E. glaziovii Hampe, Pseudocrossidium replicatum (Taylor) R. H. Zander; Hepatophyta: Frullania Raddi; lichenized Ascomycetes: Candelaria A. Massal, Parmotrema reticulatum (Taylor) M. Choisy, Parmotrema cetratum (Ach.) Hale; Cyanobacteria: Scytonema millei Born.


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How to Cite

Biasuso, A. B., & Hladki, A. I. (2017). Biodeterioration caused by Bryophytes, lichenized Ascomycetes and Cyanobacteria in a sculpture (Tucumán, Argentina). Lilloa, 48(1), 3–10. Retrieved from
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