Histology of the storage organ of wild maca, Lepidium meyenii (Brassicaceae), and comparison with the cultivated maca


  • Fernando E. Chaín INQUINOA. Inst. de Química. del Noroeste Argentino, CONICET
  • María I. Mercado Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, FML.
  • María V. Coll Aráoz Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, FML.
  • C. A. Catalan INQUINOA. Inst. de Química. del Noroeste Argentino, CONICET
  • Alfredo Grau Instituto de Ecología Regional, IER. Fac. de Cs. Nat. e Inst. M. Lillo, UNT
  • Graciela I. Ponessa


Histology, contractile root, wild maca, Lepidium meyenii, Brassicaceae


Chaín, Fernando E.; M. I. Mercado; M. V. Coll Araoz; C. A. N. Catalán; A. Grau; G. I. Ponessa. 2011. “Histology of the storage organ of wild maca, Lepidium meyenii (Brassicaceae), and comparison with the cultivated maca”. Lilloa 48 (2). Samples of the underground reserve organ of wild maca (Lepidium meyenii) from Cumbres Calchaquíes (Tucumán), were fixed in FAA and embedded in paraffin in order to study their anatomy. The underground structure was compared with the storage organ of cultivated maca observed in a previous study. The storage organ of wild maca is a contractile root with normal secondary growth. Peridermis arises from outer cortical parenchymatic cells. Cortex and star shaped pith constituted by amiliferous parenchyma with myrosin ideoblasts. Secondary phloem and xylem with abundant parenchymatous rays. Tissue from contractile area reflects the shortening of the root caused by vertical contraction and radial expansion of the inner cortical parenchyma. The contraction mechanism is discussed.


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How to Cite

Chaín, F. E., Mercado, M. I., Coll Aráoz, M. V., Catalan, C. A., Grau, A., & Ponessa, G. I. (2011). Histology of the storage organ of wild maca, Lepidium meyenii (Brassicaceae), and comparison with the cultivated maca. Lilloa, 48(2), 136–144. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/405
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