New cytotype of Verbena gracilescens (Verbenaceae)


  • Aldo Ruben Andrada Instituto de Genética, Fundación Miguel Lillo.
  • María E. Lozzia
  • Valeria de los Ángeles Paéz Instituto de Genética, Fundación Miguel Lillo.


Verbena gracilescens, cytotype, mitosis, meiosis.


Andrada, A. R.; M. E. Lozzia; V. de los A. Páez. 2012. “New cytotype of Verbena gracilescens (Verbenaceae)”. Lilloa 49 (1). Verbena gracilescens is a widely distrib- uted weed in warm temperate regions of South America where two varieties could be present: Verbena gracilescens var. gracilescens and Verbena gracilescens var. swiftiana. The genus has a basic number x = 7; there are some antecedents of polyploidy in the Verbena. In this work morphological, mitotic and meiotic studies were performed for this specie. The chromosome numbers obtained n = 7 y 2n = 14 would indicate this specie is a diploid. Our results do not agree with those that indicate this specie is a polyploid and they would allow to define this taxon as a new cytotype. The cytotaxonomic study carried out intends to con- tribute to clarifying the complex taxonomy of the specie.


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How to Cite

Andrada, A. R., Lozzia, M. E., & Paéz, V. de los Ángeles. (2012). New cytotype of Verbena gracilescens (Verbenaceae). Lilloa, 49(1), 78–83. Retrieved from
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