Biotic and biotic evaluation of aquatic environments from an entrerrian national park


  • Virginia Mirande Instituto de Ficología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Beatriz C. Tracanna Instituto de Ficología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Silvana E. Haleblian Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos
  • Graciela A. Barreto Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos


Bacteria, phytoplankton, physicochemical, body waters, Pre-Delta National Park, Argentina


Mirande, V.; B. C. Tracanna; S. E. Haleblian; G. A. Barreto. 2012. “No biotic and biotic evaluation of aquatic environments from an entrerrian national park”. Lilloa 49 (2). The aim of this paper was to characterize lentic and lotic environments from PreDelta National Park. Seven samples were collected from three lakes, two rivers and one stream. No biotic and biotic variables studied were conductivity, ions, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen compounds, among others, and bacteria and phytoplankton, respectively, that there were analysed in relation to conventional methods. The Principal Component Analyse (PCA) was employed in the ordination of the sites relative to considered variables. The results showed an elevated bacterial charge in lotic systems and it was no detective or lower in lentic systems. The highest algal values of abundance, biomass and diversity were obtained in lacustrine environments, opposite to observed in the bacteria. The three principal components of PCA explained 95% of total variance. The one and two axis separated the lentic and lotic water bodies in different positions, which both no abiotic and biotic variables were important. Among conclusions were possible to observe the impor tance, in decreasing order, of factors as bacteria, nitrate, ions, phytoplankton total abundance and diversity in the sites ordination.


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How to Cite

Mirande, V., Tracanna, B. C., Haleblian, S. E., & Barreto, G. A. (2012). Biotic and biotic evaluation of aquatic environments from an entrerrian national park. Lilloa, 49(2), 118–125. Retrieved from
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