Leaf anatomy of Urera altissima (Urticaceae) in the province of Tucumán


  • Graciela N. Avila Hael Fac. Cs. Nat. e IML, UNT
  • Patricia L. Albornoz Instituto Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo


Anatomy, leaf, Urera, Urticaceae


Avila Hael, Graciela N.; Patricia L. Albornoz. 2103. “Leaf anatomy of Urera altissima (Ur ticaceae) in the province of Tucumán”. Lilloa 50 (1). Urera altissima is native to the forest of Tucumán, growing between 300-900 masl. This paper describes the leaf anatomy of U. altissima. The material used was fresh and fixed in FAA. Conventional histological techniques were used. The entire blade, ovate with crenate margin and pinnate venation camptodroma, eucamptodroma. Adaxial epidermal cells isodiametric to rectangular, curved and straight walls to adaxial cell wall rectangular lobed. Stomata anisocytic, anomocytic and hemiparacytic. Simple unicellular trichomes on both epidermis and glandular hairs with unicellular foot and head tetracelular abaxial surface. Cystoliths spherical and ellipsoidal. Dorsiventral leaf, hipostomática, both unistratas epidermis with cuticle smooth, interrupted by cystoliths. The midrib parenchyma presents secretory channels and calcium oxalate crystals. Petiole subcircular with cut to the adaxial epidermis, and trichomes cystoliths identical to the blade; vascularization in 2 cycles of collateral vascular bundles. Foliar characters of diagnostic value for identifying U. altissima are: venation, stomata, trichomes, crystals, petiole vascularization, channels and secretory ducts.


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How to Cite

Avila Hael, G. N., & Albornoz, P. L. (2013). Leaf anatomy of Urera altissima (Urticaceae) in the province of Tucumán. Lilloa, 50(1), 3–9. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/382
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