Karyological studies in two species of Clematis (Ranunculaceae)


  • Valeria de los Ángeles Paéz Instituto de Genética. Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Aldo Ruben Andrada Instituto de Genética. Fundación Miguel Lillo


Clematis haenkeana, Clematis montevidensis var. montevidensis, karyotype, karyotypic formula, sporophytic number


Paez, Valeria de los A.; Aldo R. Andrada. 2015. “Karyological studies in two species of Clematis (Ranunculaceae)”. Lilloa 52 (1). Species of the genus Clematis are cosmopolitan, growing in temperate and cold regions and being adapted to different habitats. The species of the genus included in the present study, Clematis haenkeana C. Presl and Clematis montevidensis Spreng. var. montevidensis, are native of South America, having a wide distribution in Argentina. Previous works indicate a stable base number x = 8, with only a few cytological references for southamerican species. This paper aims to comparatively and compare both species of the genus which live in Northwest of Argentina. The slides were obtained by conventional techniques. Cytological analyses have determined that both taxa present diploid chromosome complement 2n = 16, with karyotypic formula composed by 5m + 1st + 2t, low asymmetry indices and a marked polymorphism in a pair of telocentric chromosomes which bears a satellites


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How to Cite

Paéz, V. de los Ángeles, & Andrada, A. R. (2015). Karyological studies in two species of Clematis (Ranunculaceae). Lilloa, 52(1), 62–69. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/340
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