Eleocharis tucumanensis Barros (Cyperaceae) in central Chile, distribution extension and contribution about its knowledge


  • Patricio A. Medina Investigador independiente


Medina, P. 2015. “Eleocharis tucumanensis Barros (Cyperaceae) in central Chile, distribution extension and contribution about its knowledge”. Lilloa 52 (2). This work adds a new location and first record of Eleocharis tucumanensis Barros in Central Chile. The survey of a high andean mountain range in the Olivares river basin (RM), expanded their southern distributional limit about 1230 km and 11.1 latitudinal degrees. This taxon was found above 3800 masl in a high andean wetland ecosystems. The finding reveals the limited information available about the chorology of this species in Chile and the gap of collections among second Region of Antofagasta and its current distribution. It arises to propose the conservation status to Chile as Data Deficient (DD)


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Author Biography

Patricio A. Medina, Investigador independiente

Torres del Paine 7221, código postal 7571387, Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite

Medina, P. A. (2015). Eleocharis tucumanensis Barros (Cyperaceae) in central Chile, distribution extension and contribution about its knowledge. Lilloa, 52(2), 175–186. Retrieved from https://www.lillo.org.ar/journals/index.php/lilloa/article/view/330
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