Neltuma humilis (Fabaceae, Mimoseae): new record for the flora of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina




Halophytic flora, pampean province, Prosopis


Neltuma humilis (Fabaceae, Mimoseae) is a shrub endemic to Argentina, and is an element of the biogeographic provinces of Chaco (Western district) and Pampean (Espinal district). It is found in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, La Pampa and San Luis, on saline soils. The aim of this work is to document the first record of this species for Santa Fe, from two specimens collected in the extreme southwest of the province. In addition, it is highlighted that it is a novel taxon for the valuable grassland area of La Picasa lake and expands the known distribution of the species in the Pampean biogeographic province.


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Neltuma humilis (Fabaceae, Mimoseae): nuevo registro para la flora de la provincia de Santa Fe



How to Cite

Juárez, M. (2024). Neltuma humilis (Fabaceae, Mimoseae): new record for the flora of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Lilloa, 61(1), 39–46.
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