New records for the fern flora (Polypodiopsida) in Yungas from Tucumán, Argentina




Amauropelta, Didymoglossum, ferns, Hymenophyllaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Tucumán


Didymoglossum krausii (Hymenophyllaceae), Amauropelta jujuyensis and Amauropelta nubicola (Thelypteridaceae) are recorded for the first time in Tucumán, Argentina, in Yungas biogeographic province. This is the southernmost record of the three taxa. An updated description is provided, along with pictures, and characteristic of the habitats of the species in Tucumán.


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New records for the fern flora (Polypodiopsida) in Yungas from Tucumán, Argentina




How to Cite

Romagnoli, G., Albornoz, P., & Arana, M. D. (2023). New records for the fern flora (Polypodiopsida) in Yungas from Tucumán, Argentina. Lilloa, 60(2), 97–104.
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