New distribution records for the hornwort (Anthocerotophyta) and liverwort (Marchantiophyta) flora of Patagonia, Argentina




Bryophytes, diversity, flora, survey


In Argentina, the flora of hornworts and liverworts was intensively studied; however, the information on some taxonomic groups and their geographic distribution within the country still needs to be updated or expanded. The objective of this work is to present new records of both hornworts and liverworts for the five provinces that are part Argentine Patagonia. The selected material was collected, organized and examined according to the techniques traditionally used for bryophytes. An annotated list of species is presented with notes on distribution and the representative material examined. Distribution novelties are presented for three hornwort species and 20 liverworts. Two species of hornworts and eight liverworts are mentioned for the first time for the province of Neuquén, six liverworts from Río Negro, one hornwort and two liverworts from Chubut, three hornworts and four liverworts from Santa Cruz, and one liverwort from Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. Among the species found, some are reported for more than one Patagonian province. The numerous distribution novelties presented here demonstrate the importance of continuing to carry out floristic studies in the southern region of the country.


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Nuevos registros de distribución para la flora de antocerotes (Anthocerotophyta) y hepáticas (Marchantiophyta) de la Patagonia, Argentina



How to Cite

Cottet, A. C., & Messuti, M. I. (2023). New distribution records for the hornwort (Anthocerotophyta) and liverwort (Marchantiophyta) flora of Patagonia, Argentina. Lilloa, 60(2), 59–71.
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