Efficacy of microalgae removal by ozone pilot water treatment in a subtropical South American reservoir





Phytoplankton, supply pretreatment, water quality


Phytoplankton removal by ozone pretreatment was studied in a pilot plant that collects water from a subtropical reservoir in northwestern Argentina. The seasonal variation of abundances by algal groups at the inlet and outlet of the plant in the period 2019-2020, and the removal efficiency of the treatment were analyzed as a function of two size categories (MDL maximum linear dimension) and biovolume in selected species. At the inflow, algal abundance showed seasonal differences with predominance of diatoms in winter, Cryptophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Dinophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae in spring and Cyanobacteria in summer. Algae outflow was also higher in winter, with a predominance of diatoms, and of cyanobacteria in autumn and summer. The treatment produced a significant reduction in algal density (mean 26.94%), which increased even more in some particular groups: Zygnematophyceae (68.21%), Euglenophyceae (59.80%), Cyanobacteria (57.87%), Cryptophyceae (53.84%), Dinophyceae (38.59%) and Chlorophyceae (28.66%). A total of 326 spp were recorded in the monitoring, although only 126 spp had a frequency of occurrence in at least 10% of the samplings, mostly with low densities. Microalgae removal in the pilot plant showed no significant correlations with cell dimensions for selected species. Class III averages of MLD =31.62 ±8.79 ?m and biovolume =4019.69 ±2711.49 ?m3 had the highest removals per treatment (72.97% and 72.74%, respectively), although they were not statistically different from the remaining classes. Conclusion: the algae removal capacity by the ozonation process of the pilot plant produced a significant reduction in algal density, especially of Cyanobacteria, Zygnematoficeae, Euglenophyceae and Cryptophyceae, which in all cases exceeded 50%.


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Eficiencia de remoción de microalgas por tratamiento de ozono en planta piloto en un reservorio de Sud America



How to Cite

Salusso, M. M., & Moraña, L. B. . (2023). Efficacy of microalgae removal by ozone pilot water treatment in a subtropical South American reservoir. Lilloa, 60(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.30550/j.lil/2023.60.1/2023.03.02
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