Wood anatomy of Amomyrtella güilli (Myrtaceae, Pimentinae)





Amomyrtella, Myrtaceae, northwestern Argentina, wood


Structural and ultrastructural wood features of Amomyrtella güilli, a monotypic species native to northwestern Argentina belonging to the subtribe Pimentinae, are described. Samples collected in the localities of Los Toldos (Province of Salta) and El Nogalar (Province of Tucumán) were analyzed; both belonging to the Yungas. The wood is diffuse porous with mostly solitary vessels. Rays uniseriate and multiseriate width 2-7 cells. Vessels elements exhibit tails, simple perforation plates and vestured pits. Tracheids and fibre-tracheids with vestured pits. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse or diffuse-in-aggregates and paratracheal axial parenchyma  vasicentric and incomplete. This work allowed describing anatomical elements of the A.güilli wood of systematic value when differentiating taxa of the same subtribe.


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Anatomía del leño de Amomyrtella güilli



How to Cite

Guantay, M. E. (2022). Wood anatomy of Amomyrtella güilli (Myrtaceae, Pimentinae). Lilloa, 59(2), 269–275. https://doi.org/10.30550/j.lil/2022.59.2/2022.11.01
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