Notes on the collection of samples, the reference collection and the database of archaeological studies related to the use of edible plants in the culinary heritage of the South-Central Andes, South America




Archaeobotany, database, Andean crops, phytoliths, starch grains


Within the framework of the global trend towards database accessibility, we review the designed protocols for the preparation of the Andean crops collection of samples and histological collection used in the archaeobotanical study of South-Central Andes culinary heritage as well as their  systematization and  digital Within the framework of the global trend towards database accessibility, we review the designed protocols for the preparation of the Andean crops collection of samples and
histological collection used in the archaeobotanical study of South-Central Andes culinary heritage as well as their systematization and digital availability. Samples of Andean crops are small-scale family farming products from the central and south central sector of the Quebrada de Humahuaca. Besides, both collections include processed products made from these crops which were collected from fairs and markets.
Finally, samples obtained during our ethnoarchaeological and ethnobotanical field work, are also incorporated. At present, the collection includes Andean crops and
several culinary products such as corn and peanuts chicha, different types of corn
flour (Zea mays L.) -capia, puimada, toasted, for api-, different types of seeds such
as Phaseolus vulgaris L., Chenopodium quinoa Wild., Amaranthaceae and cobs with
caryopses of Zea mays L. varieties traditionally cultivated in Jujuy. The collection
has been designed as a space open to new incorporations as field and experimental
work progress. The samples were analyzed and described following the description
and identification protocols used in our archaeobotanical investigations. Culinary
knowledge and practices related to processing, food serving and consumption of edible Andean taxa are retrieved and systematized in a digital database. The reference materials, their description and record are not only relevant for archaeobotanical studies, but they also  contribute to the valorisation of the community bio-cultural
heritage, allowing us not only to catalogue it in the JUA Herbarium heritage, but
also to contribute to the enhancement, visibility, safeguarding and  anagement of South-Central Andes culinary heritage.


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How to Cite

Musaubach, M. G., Ahumada , O. ., Plos, A., Sato, H., Romero , H. P. ., Albornoz, L. T. . ., Sejas Paliari, G. L. ., & Babot, P. (2021). Notes on the collection of samples, the reference collection and the database of archaeological studies related to the use of edible plants in the culinary heritage of the South-Central Andes, South America. Lilloa, 58(2), 115–130.
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