Arquitectura y morfoanatomía foliar de Dinoseris salicifolia (Asteraceae)


  • Ana I. Ruiz Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • María I. Mercado Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • María E. Guantay Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Graciela I. Ponessa Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fundación Miguel Lillo


Anatomy, Asteraceae, calcium oxalate crystals, Dinoseris salicifolia, morphology, leaf architecture


Ruiz, Ana I.; María I. Mercado; María E. Guantay; Graciela I. Ponessa. 2016. “Foliar architecture, morphology and anatomy of Dinoseris salicifolia (Asteraceae)”. Lilloa 53 (1). Dinoseris salicifolia Griseb. is a native species, distributed in Bolivia and north- ern Argentina in the biogeographic provinces of Chaco and Yungas. It is an evergreen shrub, up to 4 m tall, with simple, opposite leaves. Well known as a phytotoxic and medicinal plant. The aim of this work is to study the architecture and foliar morpho anatomy of D. salicifolia . Leaf samples were obtained from a population in Trancas Department (Tucumán Province). Conventional histological techniques were used together with stereoscopic microscopy, scan- ning electron with X-ray analyzer microscopy and conventional optical and polarized light mi- croscopy. D. salicifolia presents serrate, elliptical leaves, pinnate -camptodrome- broquido- drome venation. Curvilinear anticlinal epidermal cell walls, anomocytic, brachyparacytic and hemi-brachyparacytic stomata occur in both leaf epidermises. The leaf blade is dorsiventral and amphistomatic. Crystalliferous idioblasts are found in the mesophyll as macro and grouped idioblasts. In the middle vein one to three vascular bundles with sclerenchyma sheath at xylem and phloem poles are observed. In cross section the petiole is subcircular with an adaxial notch, vascular tissues are organized in six collateral bundles with sclerenchyma sheaths at phloem and xylem poles. Calcium oxalate crystals are found on the wall of glandular trichomes, in epidermal, mesophyll, companion and occlusive cells; and free occluding the stomatic osti- ole. Leaf architecture and morpho anatomy of D. salicifolia is described. Characters of diag- nostic value are: leaf architecture, stomatal type, trichomes and crystals.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, A. I., Mercado, M. I., Guantay, M. E., & Ponessa, G. I. (2016). Arquitectura y morfoanatomía foliar de Dinoseris salicifolia (Asteraceae). Lilloa, 53(1), 112–121. Retrieved from
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