Contribución al estudio polínico de la flora de la cuenca Laguna Avendaño (Ñuble, Chile)


  • María E. García Laboratorio de Palinología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Nora J.F. Reyes Laboratorio de Palinología, Fundación Miguel Lillo
  • Patricia N. Vargas Centro EULA, Universidad de Concepción, Fac. de Cs. Forestales


Pollen, morphology, native species, central Chile


García María E., Nora J. F. Reyes, Patricia N. Vargas. 2016. “Contribu- tion to pollen study of the flora of Laguna Avendaño basin (Ñuble-Chile)”. Lilloa 53 (1). The pollen morphology of 29 native species, typical of the Mediterranean area of Chile is ana- lyzed. Aim of the research is to provide new data of the pollen flora of the central area, and thus contribute to the information available to paleopalynologials studies. Material analyzed was collected within the watershed of Laguna Avendaño and some specimens from the Her- barium of the University of Concepción. Samples were acetolized and subsequently they were analyzed and photographed using an optical microscope (OM). The pollen descriptions extend previous studies by several authors except 2 of the studied species which are described for the first time, Baccharis pingraea DC. and Haplopappus integerrimus (Hook. & Arn.) H.M. Hall , (Asteraceae).


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How to Cite

García, M. E., Reyes, N. J., & Vargas, P. N. (2016). Contribución al estudio polínico de la flora de la cuenca Laguna Avendaño (Ñuble, Chile). Lilloa, 53(1), 55–73. Retrieved from
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