Genetic parameters of traits of agronomic interest in four spontaneous populations of Pappophorum vaginatum (Poaceae) in the semi-arid region of Buenos Aires province, Argentina




Domestication, forage species, heritability, native; grasslands


Pappophorum vaginatum Buckley is practically the unique, native, warm-season perennial grass which provides forage for grazing livestock at the south of the Phytogeographical Province of the Monte during summer time. Because of this, studies focused in achieving the genetic improvement of this species are needed for various characters of agronomic interests, especially those related with the control of implantation and the forage and seed production. These studies should combine the effects of natural and artificial selections at a local scale for those agronomic characters. The objectives of this study were to determine (a) the components of the variance and variation coefficients (at a phenotypic, genotypic and environmental level), and (b) a wide extent heritability for various characters of agronomic interests, related with the control of implantation and the forage and seed production in four native populations of P. vaginatum collected in the semiarid region of the province of Buenos Aires. Associations between those characters were also observed. Between 6 and 12 out of the 14 characters of agronomic interest studied on each of the four populations were significant (p?0,05) from the variance analysis, with high values of heredability, and a relationship greater than 1 between the coefficients of genetic variability and those of environmental variation. This indicates that the expectations of obtaining some genetic advancement in a selection program of P. vaginatum would be promising for various characters of agronomic interest, even in the short term.


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How to Cite

Entio, L. J., Mujica, M. de la M., & Busso, C. A. (2021). Genetic parameters of traits of agronomic interest in four spontaneous populations of Pappophorum vaginatum (Poaceae) in the semi-arid region of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Lilloa, 58(2), 70–85.
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