Caracteres epidérmicos de especies xero-halófilas:

¿es el ambiente el principal factor determinante?


  • Vanesa Pérez Cuadra Laboratorio de Biología de Plantas Vasculares. INBIOSUR UNS–CONICET
  • Viviana Cambi Laboratorio de Biología de Plantas Vasculares. INBIOSUR UNS–CONICET


Halophytes, xerophytes, epidermis, leaves, stems


Pérez Cuadra Vanesa; Viviana Cambi. 2016. “Epidermal characters of xero-halophytic species: is the environment the main determinant factor?”. Lilloa 53 (2). The epidermis is the primary tissue of plant protection, consisting of specialized cells for different functions. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of leaf and stem epidermis of 30 species of the xero-halophytic community inhabiting the Salitral de la Vidriera (Prov. Bs. As.) and to evaluate possible relationships of epidermal characteristics found with own vari- ables of the edaphic microenvironment in which they develop. The samples were treated un- der traditional techniques for study in surface. Smooth and ridged cuticles were observed. Most species showed epidermal cells with straight and thickened walls, while some were found with corrugated and thin walls. Stomata of different types and glandular and eglandular trichomes (secreting salt, with small crystals of calcium oxalate, cystholitic, whip, among others), were found. The trichomes were found scattered on the organ surface or together in mixed nests. When trichomes were found in large quantities their walls were thin or scle- rotic and when they were few, walls were always were sclerotic. Three species showed salt glands, protected in depressions of the epidermis, slightly sunken or at epidermal level. Re- lating the epidermal characteristics and soil conditions of the environment species inhabit we found there is a great variation in the presence/absence of the different characteristics, so the isolated study of epidermal characteristics does not constitute a good indicator to define a plant as xero-halophytic one.


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How to Cite

Pérez Cuadra, V., & Cambi, V. (2017). Caracteres epidérmicos de especies xero-halófilas:: ¿es el ambiente el principal factor determinante?. Lilloa, 53(2), 282–298. Retrieved from
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