Morfología y anatomía de los órganos vegetativos de Zinnia peruviana (Asteraceae)


  • María I. Mercado Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fund. M. Lillo
  • Ana I. Ruíz Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fund. M. Lillo
  • María E. Guantay Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fund. M. Lillo
  • Patricia L. Albornoz Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fund. M. Lillo
  • Graciela I. Ponessa Instituto de Morfología Vegetal, Fund. M. Lillo


Anatomy, Argentina, morphology, venation, Zinnia peruviana


Mercado, María I.; Ana I. Ruiz; María E. Guantay; Patricia L. Albornoz; Graciela I. Ponessa. 2016. “Morphology and anatomy of the vegetative organs of Zinnia pe- ruviana (Asteraceae)”. Lilloa 53 (2). Zinnia peruviana (L.) L. is the only native species of the genus Zinnia represented in Argentina. It is an annual, ruderal herb whit medicinal, ornamen- tal and dyeing importance. The objective of the present work was to characterize the mor- phology and anatomy of the vegetative organs of this species, comparing between individuals of three populations with inflorescences of different colors. The material was collected in the provinces of Tucuman and Jujuy. Conventional staining and anatomical techniques were used. The leaf is sessile, ovate to elliptical, with pinnate primary venation and marginal last venation incomplete. In paradermal view, the leaf showed polygonal cells whit lobed walls. Anomo and anisocytic stomata. Non glandular trichomes and two types of glandular trichomes. In section the blade is dorsiventral, amphistomatic with collateral vascular bundles. The stem and root showed primary and secondary growth in different stages; both of these organs develop schizogenous secretory canals. This work completes the leaf mophological description and describes for the first time the leaf venation and anatomy of the vegetative organs of Z. peruviana.


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How to Cite

Mercado, M. I., Ruíz, A. I., Guantay, M. E., Albornoz, P. L., & Ponessa, G. I. (2016). Morfología y anatomía de los órganos vegetativos de Zinnia peruviana (Asteraceae). Lilloa, 53(2), 244–257. Retrieved from
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