Domacios y anatomía foliar de Jasminum cultivados


  • Ana M. González Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste, CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNNE
  • Stella M. Solís Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste, CONICET


Leaves, stomata, trichomes, unifoliolate


Gonzalez Ana M.; Stella M. Solís. 2016. “Domatia and leaf anatomy of cultivated Jasminum ”. Lilloa 53 (2). In the Oleaceae family the presence of domatia in many species has been described, but it has not been analyzed from the anatomical point of view. To this aim, 11 species with specimens in the herbarium CTES were evaluated; which J. azoricum L. , J. fluminense Vell. , J. polyanthum Franch. and J. sambac (L.) Aiton have doma- tia over the abaxial epidermis of each leaf lets. Two types of domatia were found: “pocket with tufts of hairs” located at the junction of veins 1º and 2º, formed by a floor in contact with the limbo and a roof formed by the leaf extension that it covers. The pocket is lined by epi- dermis with stomata and opens to the outside through a hole whose edge is covered with abundant trichomes. The domatia “tufts of hairs” are in the axils of the veins, unchanged from leaf tissue. The anatomy of the leaf was also analyzed, which has unistratified epidermis with glandular and simple hairs, the latter are multicellular and uniseriate, and two types are recognized: short and long hairs. A hypodermis is present and mesophyll has dorsiventral structure. In J. sambac the ontogeny of stomata was studied. Also, the structure of the leaf of J. sambac , was anatomically analyzed, which confirms that this is a unifoliolate leaf, nota simple leaf as it was described by some authors. The information obtained provides data for the knowledge of these structures that are useful for taxonomy.


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How to Cite

González, A. M., & Solís, S. M. (2016). Domacios y anatomía foliar de Jasminum cultivados. Lilloa, 53(2), 229–243. Retrieved from
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