Estudio anatómico-histológico de las flores del endemismo Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) y de los efectos del ozono troposférico sobre su desarrollo


  • Francisco J. García-Breijo Departamento de Ecosistemas Agroforestales. Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Vicente Calatayud Fundación CEAM
  • José Reig-Armiñana Laboratorio de Anatomía Vegetal «Julio Iranzo». Jardín Botánico de la Universitat de València


Abiotic stress, anatomy, Carthamus dianius, endemism, floral histology, ozone, pollen, sporogenesis, ultrastructure


Garcia-Breijo, Francisco J.; Vicente Calatayud; José Reig-Armiñana. 2016. “Anatomical and histological study of endemism flowers of Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) and the effects of tropospheric ozone on their development”. Lilloa 53 (2). Plants of endemism Lamottea diania were exposed in cameras OTC (Open Top Chambers) to filtered ambient air and ambient air unfiltered over 30 ppb ozone to observe the effect of this pollutant on the development of its flowers, particularly on its androecium. We have found, through studies of optical and electron microscopy, that ozone affects the process of development and matura- tion of stamens and pollen. The anthers are affected, in some cases by aborting some sta- mens in their development and in other, prevented the proper development of the pollen sacs within them. In addition, ozone prevents proper formationand maturation of pollen found many undeveloped pollen grains or developed abnormally inside the pollen sacs. Results indicate that ozone was responsible for the abnormal development of androecium and pollen in L. diania .


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How to Cite

García-Breijo, F. J., Calatayud, V., & Reig-Armiñana, J. (2016). Estudio anatómico-histológico de las flores del endemismo Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) y de los efectos del ozono troposférico sobre su desarrollo. Lilloa, 53(2), 193–216. Retrieved from
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