Nuevo método para la interpretación ontogénica de tallos con variantes cambiales


  • Pablo Alejandro Cabanillas Cátedra de Morfología Vegetal, FCNyM, UNLP


Cambial variants, Development, Fossil reconstruction, Ontogeny


Cabanillas P. A. 2016. “New method for the ontogenetic interpretation of stems with cambial variants”. Lilloa 53 (2). In this contribution is proposed a method for generating hypotheses on the ontogeny of stems with cambial variants. First, the topic of stems with cambial variants are summarized. Then the main production and modifying pro- cesses of the stem tissues are reviewed: Cell Division associated and non-associated to mer- istems; Enlargement, including the intrusive growth; Collapse of cells; Reabsorption of middle lamella (lysigenesis); and Differentiation, including programmed cell death. The fundamental principles of stratigraphy (Principles of lateral continuity, original horizontality, superposition, inclusion, cross-cutting relationships and simultaneity of events) are summarized and they are adapted to the interpretation of stems with cambial variants (Principles of lateral contempo- raneity, original concentricity, accretion, cross-cutting relationships and simultaneity of events). Finally, a new system of graphical representation of ontogeny called ontogenetic profile is pro- posed.


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How to Cite

Cabanillas, P. A. (2016). Nuevo método para la interpretación ontogénica de tallos con variantes cambiales. Lilloa, 53(2), 173–185. Retrieved from
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