Peer review process

Articles are initially reviewed by our Editorial Committee, which verifies the compliance with the formal requirements of the editorial policy: verify their originality and relevance to the scope of the journal and adequacy to the instructions for authors.

The date when the fulfilment of the required conditions has been verified will be recorded as the date of receipt of the manuscript and an Editor specialized in the subject matter of the article will be assigned.

All works received will be submitted to a double-blind review process, that is to say, the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.

The reviewers are specialists with expertise in the subject matter of the research work, external to the editorial board, who have a maximum of 4 weeks to return corrections and suggestions.

When there is a divergence of views, a third reviewer will be consulted, and the final decision will always be made by the Editorial board.

The final decision about the publication of articles and reviews is made on the basis of the expert opinions expressed by the external referees, for which two positive recommendations are required. The possible decisions are:

  • Accept submission.
  • Publishable with minor modifications.
  • Publishable with major modifications.
  • Non-publishable.

The observations and criticisms of the referees are evaluated by the Editor, who informs the corresponding author of the result of the evaluation, together with editorial observations.

If the manuscript is evaluated as "Publishable with minor changes" the authors must submit a modified version to the journal in a maximum period of 4 (four) weeks, so that the Editorial Committee together with the reviewers can analyze the manuscript again. In addition, a note will be sent to the editor detailing the changes made.

The final acceptance of the papers depends on strict compliance with the journal's requirements, on the authors' responses to the reviewers' commentaries, and on compliance with ethical standards and good practices.

The first editorial decision will be communicated within 45-60 days after receipt of the manuscript.

The online version will be published within a maximum period of six months.

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