About the Journal

on-line version ISSN 2346-9641
printed version ISSN 0075-9481 (until December/2016)

Lilloa is a biannual scientific journal of the Miguel Lillo Foundation (Tucumán, Argentina), its online version publishes in  June and December.

The journal, that was first published in 1937, has the aim of disseminating original scientific papers  and review articles (not simultaneously sent to another journal) on botany, mycology and phycology, including ecological, anatomical, physiological, cytological, genetic, palynological, phytogeographical, paleobotanical and applied botany issues.

The journal is open to papers that contribute to the knowledge of national and international scientific research.

It is intended for researchers, professionals and students of the biological sciences and related disciplines.

Accepted contributions will be in the form of articles, reviews, communication or note in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

Manuscripts are evaluated by external referees following the “double-blind” process.

Lilloa provides open access to all its content with no publication fees for authors.

Lilloa journal allows the author to retain it with no restrictions. Moreover, the journal is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivate Works 4.0 International license.

Lilloa is indexed by SciELO Argentina (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Basic Nucleus of Argentine scientific journals (CAICYT-CONICET), Latindex, EBSCO (Elsevier), Directory Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB).

The articles and volumes have individual DOI (Digital Object Identifier) provided by CROSSREF.

The full content of the journal is available in the Institutional Repository of the Fundación Miguel Lillo (http://www.lillo.org.ar).

Lilloa adheres to the editorial guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), COPE from The Commitee on Publication Ethics, guidelines.

Manuscripts received by this journal will be monitored through an online search and plagiarism detection tools (plagiarisma.net y turnItIn).


Focus and Scope

Lilloa is a periodic publication of the Miguel Lillo Foundation (Tucumán, Argentina), founded in 1937.

It publishes original scientific papers  and review articles and evaluated on Botany, mycology and phycology; including ecological, anatomical, physiological, cytological, genetic, palynological, phytogeographic, applied botany and paleobotanical issues.

The journal is open to papers that contribute to the knowledge of national and international scientific research.

It is intended for researchers, professionals and students of the biological sciences and related disciplines.

Each year, one volume is published, with two biannual issues, the online version publishes in June and December.

Accepted contributions accepted will be in the form of articles or reviews, communication or note in Spanish, English or Portuguese. 

Original research and studies will comprise 85% of the journal's content. The remaining percentage may include review articles, notes or obituaries.

Manuscripts are evaluated by external referees following the “double-blind” process.

Lilloa provides open access to all its content with no publication fees for authors.


Persistent identifiers

The journal uses digital object identifiers (DOI) for its articles by the membership that the Miguel Lillo Foundation has (Publishers International Linking Association, Inc.), through which the Crossref service is provided.


Publication Frequency

Lilloa is a bianual scientific journal with two issues per year; the online version in June and December.

From Volume 58 (2021) onwards, Lilloa will implement the anticipated online publication of articles that have already completed the entire editorial process before they appear in an issue. No modifications or corrections will be accepted after this stage. The final version of the article will be available with its volume number, issue number and its corresponding DOI. 

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