Biodiversity of aquatic Heteroptera in relation to physico-chemical parameters, the Biological Reserve of Sidi Boughaba and the Merja of Fouarat as a case studies (Gharb Plain, Morocco)




Wetland, Insect, biotypological analysis, Gharb plain


Given their great importance in aquatic ecosystems, the literature on aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera is quite extensive worldwide. However, relatively little literature is available on the taxonomy and distribution of aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera in the Gharb Plain, specifically the two wetland areas classified as Ramsar sites, the Biological Reserve of Sidi  oughaba and the Merja of Fouarat. Therefore, the present research aims to study the community of aquatic Heteroptera and the physico-chemical variables of these two wetland areas in the Gharb Plain. Additionally, the research aims to document and authenticate the historical review of aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera in these wetlands. The results obtained show the existence of two groups of Heteroptera species. One group consists of species that are found in several environments due to their broad ecological tolerance. This is the case of, Gerris lacustris (Linnaeus, 1758), G. lateralis (Schummel, 1832), Corixa affinis (Leach, 1817), Notonecta glauca rufescens (Poisson, 1933), Anisops sardia (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1849), Plea leachi (McGregor, Kirk, 1899), Naucoris maculatus
conspersus (Stål, 1876), Hydrometra stagnorum (Linnaeus,1758) and Mesovelia vittigera (Horváth, 1895). On the contrary, species conditioned by several physicochemical factors of the environment, Stenoic species, such as Sigara lateralis (Leach, 1817), S. stagnalis (Leach, 1817), Naucoris maculatus angustior (Lethierry, 1877), Nepa rubra rubra (Linné, 1758) and Gerris thoracicus (Schummel, 1832).


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Biodiversidad de heterópteros acuáticos en relación con parámetros físico-químicos, la Reserva Biológica de Sidi Boughaba y la Merja de Fouarat como casos de estudio (Llanura de Gharb, Marruecos)




Como Citar

Slim, M., Hafsa, O., & Fadli, M. (2023). Biodiversity of aquatic Heteroptera in relation to physico-chemical parameters, the Biological Reserve of Sidi Boughaba and the Merja of Fouarat as a case studies (Gharb Plain, Morocco). Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 67(2), 473–488.
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