Contribution to the knowledge of wildlife present on Los Naranjos farm of the National Learning Service in Granada, Meta, Colombia




Granada, Meta, vertebrates, characterization, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians


The present study is a contribution to the specific knowledge of the vertebrate fauna of the farm Los Naranjos of SENA, Centro Agroindustrial del Meta, in Granada, Meta, Colombia. The area under study was approximately 89.9 hectares. Casual observations of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals were made over six years by both the author and the farm staff were grouped together which were verified through photographs to validate them and data from iNaturalist and eBird taken at a maximum of ten kilometers from the farm. The observations were not counted but the species observed. The result shows two species of amphibians from different families, eighteen reptiles from nine families divided into three orders, 194 birds distributed in 54 families of 23 orders and 10 species of mammals from 9 families in 5 orders. Three of these species, a turtle and two mammals, are Vulnerable on the red list and a primate subspecies is considered endemic to the department. It is estimated that the bird population represents 10% of the total biodiversity of this class in Colombia.


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Contribución al conocimiento de la fauna silvestre presente en la finca Los Naranjos del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje en Granada, Meta, Colombia



How to Cite

Bracho-Sarcos, A. E. (2024). Contribution to the knowledge of wildlife present on Los Naranjos farm of the National Learning Service in Granada, Meta, Colombia. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 225–235.
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