First nesting records for three species of wild birds from Santiago del Estero, Argentina




Common Parakeet (Thectocercus acuticaudatus), nesting, Plain Tyrannulet (Inezia inornata), Red Tanager (Piranga flava), reproduction


During the last decade in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, data on the reproduction of some of the species that inhabit its territory were released, including
some that are common to observe and have a wide local geographic distribution. In this work we present reproduction data of the Blue-crowned Parakeet (Thectocercus acuticaudatus), the Plain Tyrannulet (Inezia inornata), and the Red Tanager (Piranga flava), nesting in areas of semi-arid Chaco forest of Santiago del Estero, observed in different field trips during the monitoring of vertebrates in peasant communities in the norht of the province, corresponding to the project “Biodiversity in native forest landscapes under livestock systems and carob plantations of the Argentine Chaco”, carried out by the Faculty of Forestry Sciences of the National University of Santiago del Estero. This information represents the first nesting records of the three species for this province, and also complements the limited knowledge that still exists about the reproductive biology of the avifauna in the northwestern argentina. Its should be noted that the Plain Tyrannulet is a species recently documented in Santiago del
Estero, where it is considered an occasional and breeding summer migrant, and a species of wich only two nests were known for Argentina. 


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Primeros registros de nidificación para tres especies de aves silvestres en Santiago del Estero, Argentina



How to Cite

Quiroga, O. B., Laitán, M. G., Rueda, C. V., Rueda, M. P. ., Loto, D., Gómez, Y. D. ., & Mansilla, R. . (2024). First nesting records for three species of wild birds from Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 68(1), 149–157.
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