Birds present in the diet of Tyto alba (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) in Mexico




Barn owl, trophic ecology, pellets, predator-prey interactions


Studies on the diet of the barn owl (Tyto alba) are focused on small mammals, although it occasionally feeds on other vertebrates such as amphibians, reptiles and birds, recorded in few publications. In this work we carry out a literature review with the objective of compiling the bird species present in the diet of the Barn Owl in Mexico. The results show that 24 publications present records of birds in the diet of this species, mentioning a total of 576 records corresponding to nine orders, 22 families, 36 genera and 40 species. The largest number of records were documented in the tropical deciduous forest and xeric scrubland of central and northern states of the country, such as the State of Mexico and northern and southern Baja California. Most of the registered species are smaller than 30 centimeters and weigh less than 100 grams and belong to 11 trophic guilds, with a predominance of the granivore forager on the ground, the carnivore of marine prey and the insectivore forager of prey on the ground. This is the first paper that analyzes birds as prey for the American Barn Owl in Mexico. We consider it important to include non-mammalian vertebrates in the diet analyzes of this species in order to have a better understanding of their eating habits and their natural history.


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Aves presentes en la dieta de Tyto alba (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) en México



How to Cite

Calderón-Patrón, J. M., & Valencia Herverth, J. (2023). Birds present in the diet of Tyto alba (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) in Mexico. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 67(2), 573–586.
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