Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster, Passeriformes: Hirundinidae), more evidence of its incessantly increasing reproductive geographic distribution in South America, and other derived news




Nests, geographic expansion, evidence, reproductive plasticity


Hirundo rustica erythrogaster is a breeder in North America, and since 1980 it is also in South America, initially in Argentina (from Buenos Aires, expanding to other provinces) and since 2017 also in Uruguay.With the main objective of updating aspects of its reproductive range, records are presented in Patagonia and Cuyo, Argentina, which also generate other novelties: extension of its reproductive geographic distribution to the west, about 250 km (average value) along an advance front of about 940 km N-S that reaches five provinces, with records only 45 km from the international limit with Chile (aspects of said front are presented); first reproductive records for the province of Mendoza; highest altitude breeding records for South America; nesting outdoors, in metal gates of spillway; morphologically different nests for South America; appreciations and extreme values on traits and parameters in patterns of choice of nesting place and nest construction; nexus between characteristics of the clutches, number of clutches by anthropic work, and age group of individuals; new species with deformed beak for Argentina. This shows its great plasticity, not only geographically-environmentally, incessantly expanding its reproductive geographical distribution, but also in the spectrum of use of anthropic structures to nest (different types and materials) both sheltered and outdoors. All this goes integrating a growing range of similarities and differentiations of reproductive patterns with respect to those of other latitudes.


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Golondrina Tijerita (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster, Passeriformes: Hirundinidae), m



How to Cite

Bianchini, M. (2023). Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster, Passeriformes: Hirundinidae), more evidence of its incessantly increasing reproductive geographic distribution in South America, and other derived news. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 67(1), 81–120.
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