Edaphic influence on the creation of burrows by Chaetophractus vellerosus (Cingulata: Chlamyphoridae) in Matagusanos, San Juan, Argentina





Alluvial fan, armadillo, land use, Ullum, Alluvial fan, armadillo, land use, Ullum, vegetation


The number of caves in a given environment can be used as a measure reflecting an armadillo's preference for a particular habitat. The topography, which in turn is linked to soil factors, is the main factor that explains the choice of the place where the armadillos dig their caves. The objective is to determine if the abundance of Chaetophractus vellerosus caves is related to the physical property of the soil and vegetation cover in an alluvial fan in the Matagusanos locality, Ullum department in the San Juan province. A transect of approximately 3 km in length was made, perpendicularly covering the apical, intermediate and distal part of the fan, with squares of 5 m x 5 m with a distance between the squares of 200 m, making 15 observation squares in total. In each area of ??the fan, a test pit was made with its corresponding horizons using the Munsell table, in addition the percentage of vegetation cover within the quadrat was determined. A strong relationship was found between the consistency of the soil and the abundance of caves for the intermediate zone of the fan. It was also observed that the percentage of vegetation cover was similar in the three zones of the fan analyzed, likewise, all the caves were registered under the canopy.


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Influencia edáfica en la creación de cuevas de Chaetophractus vellerosus (Cingulata: Chlamyphoridae) en Matagusanos, San Juan, Argentina



How to Cite

Pastrán López, O. G. A., Rivero-Castro, G. A., & Sanchez-Castro, L. (2023). Edaphic influence on the creation of burrows by Chaetophractus vellerosus (Cingulata: Chlamyphoridae) in Matagusanos, San Juan, Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 67(1), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.30550/j.azl/2023.67.1/2023-01-05
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