Nesting of the collared forest-falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus) in an archaeological site in the state of Campeche, Mexico




Diet, Falconidae, incubation, reproduction


The collared forest-falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus) is the largest member of its genus. It occurs in a wide variety of habitats from central México to southern Brazil. We recorded a nest of M. semitorquatus inside a structure that make up of the archaeological complex of Xkipché, in the Campeche state, Mexico. We found the nest on the ground, which represents the first record in Mexico. In the nest we found the corpse of a black iguana (Ctenosaura similis), feathers of a yucatan jay (Cyanocorax yucatanicus) and turquoise-browed motmot (Eumomota superciliosa). It has been mentioned that the nesting of this species in man-made constructions is an adaptive behavior in search of nesting places due to habitat loss, although it can also be due to the flexibility of the species. The information presented here provides guidelines for future studies in the area, considering that fragmentation and loss of habitat caused by human activity condition survival for this and other species.


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How to Cite

Monter-Pozos, A., & Hernández-Hernández, J. C. (2022). Nesting of the collared forest-falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus) in an archaeological site in the state of Campeche, Mexico. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 66(1), 92–102.
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