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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Acta Zoológica Lilloana is a scientific publication of the Fundación Miguel Lillo, every six months (June and December), which aims to disseminate original works on zoology, in research fields related to this discipline, such as taxonomy, systematics, morphology, anatomy, histology, physiology, genetics, ecology, biogeography, paleontology, evolution, biodiversity, biological conservation, wildlife management, ethology, animal husbandry, animal welfare, and science education.

It is aimed at researchers, professionals, teachers, and students of biological sciences and related disciplines or related to zoology. Papers must be unpublished (previously unpublished), are reviewed by external peers, and are published in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, with titles and summaries in two languages ​​(Spanish and English, Portuguese, and English).

It includes the following sections: Original Articles (observational, descriptive, experimental research, catalogs, reviews), Methodological Articles, and Comments (opinion notes and discussion forums).

Manuscript submission

The submission and revision of manuscripts use the Open Journal System.

Register at

Also, the editorial team receives inquiries by email (

We do not use paper copies.

The global review, evaluation, or arbitration process lasts approximately 2 to 4 months. The review system is a simple blind type, in which the authors do not know the nomination of external reviewers.

First internal review

The manuscript will be suitable for external review if (1) it is within the thematic scope of the journal, (2) it complies with the instructions for authors.


The date of receipt will be the first time that the corresponding author submits a manuscript suitable for external peer review.

External review

An editorial member will handle the external review by two referees. The external evaluation time lasts approximately 2 to 4 weeks. The choice of external reviewers or arbitrators will depend on the subject. The external reviewers are foreign to institutions from the Tucumán province (Argentina) and to the authors' home institution. Each external reviewer will receive the original manuscript along with an evaluation guide.

Second internal review

The editorial member in charge of managing the external review will evaluate the peer review and will send the external and own evaluations to the editor, who will determine the assessment of the manuscript. A third reviewer will be consulted if necessary.

Assessment opinion

After completing the previous steps, the editor will send the authors the corresponding evaluation opinion, which will be known to the editorial members involved in the review and to the external arbitrators.

Post-opinion process

If the manuscript requires changes and the continuity of the editorial process is considered, the new version sent to the journal will be required within ten weeks (rejection with consideration for a new submission), six weeks (major changes), 5 to 15 days ( minor changes). If it is accepted, the manuscript will be sent to the graphic editor for the preparation of the gallery proof. If it is definitively rejected, no other versions of the same document will be received.

Handling of successive versions

The new version of the manuscript will be sent to the editorial members involved in the review and, if necessary, to new external reviewers.

The accepted manuscript will be edited by the Visual Communication Department of the Fundación Miguel Lillo for the preparation of the gallery proof. Authors will review the gallery proof once within 3-5 days, before online publication.

Publication in AZL has no publication costs for the authors. Article Processing Charges not apply.

Preparation of manuscripts

Checklist for manuscript preparation 

Text file format .doc, .docx, .rtf
Page size A4
Margins 3 cm
Line numbers continuous
Page numbers bottom, centered, continuous
Line spacing double


left except indicated
Tables, Appendices, Figures, Figure Legends separated files
Figure file format .jpg, .tif, >300 dpi


Type Arial or Times New Roman size 12 normal for all text. Type Arial or Times New Roman size 12 italic for scientific names, words in Latin, or a language other than the manuscript.

Do not use: indentation (except in Literature cited as specified), leading or trailing spacing, the particular spacing between letters, footnotes, highlighting, lines, boxes, and any other type of drawing or unnecessary visual ornament.


Brief and descriptive. Generic and specific scientific names without the author, followed by order and family separated by a colon (in parentheses). First, the title in English and a separated line the title in Spanish, with the corresponding format and in bold:

Temporal Variation of Insect Diversity in Alfalfa Crops

Variación temporal de la diversidad de insectos en cultivos de alfalfa


In the first line, write the names and surnames.
Together with each surname, write a number as a super-index. In the following lines indicate the institutional affiliation, postal address, updated postal code. For the corresponding author, indicate with an asterisk next to the super-index number located next to the name. At the end of the filiation, show email.


Left alignment. Minimum of 200 words, maximum of 250 words. Continuous text (without full stop). Include the context of the research topic, objectives, main methods and results, and an interpretation of the results to understand the relevance of the study.


Left alignment. Up to five words separated by commas. Do not repeat words in the title.

Resumen [Spanish]

Left alignment. Up to 250 words in continuous text. Equivalent to abstract, literal translation, if possible.

Palabras clave [Spanish]

Left alignment. Up to five words separated by commas. Literal translation of keywords.


Up to three hierarchies: primary (capital, bold font, center alignment); secondary (uppercase, regular font, left alignment); tertiary (initial capital, regular font, left alignment).


Use a 1 cm tab stop at the beginning of the paragraph. Do not use tabulations in tables, table headings, appendices, or figure legends.

File names

Name the files with the last name of the first author, as appropriate, LAST-AUTHOR-text, LAST-AUTHOR-fig1, LAST-AUTHOR-table1, LAST-AUTHOR-appendix1. For example, LILLO-text; LILLO-fig1, LILLO-table1, LILLO-appendix1.



Primary subtitle (uppercase, bold font, center alignment). Include goals, questions, hypotheses, and predictions if applicable.

Materials and methods

Primary subtitle (uppercase, bold font, center alignment). As secondary subtitles (capital letters, regular font, left alignment) include subtitles such as study area, sampling or collection techniques, character measurement, material studied, data analysis. For the collected specimens of the material examined, mention the Institution where it is deposited. Where appropriate, list the specimens studied in an appendix. In cases where the study has required the capture, handling of animals, or slaughter (e.g., captivity, surgery, tagging, removal of live biological material, collection), describe the captive conditions and procedures used, and what ethical guidelines, legal or animal welfare were taken into account.
The material and methods section should include descriptions of procedures so that the study is repeatable, reproducible, and verifiable.

Primary subtitle (uppercase, bold font, center alignment). It includes the description of the information obtained according to the objectives and methods.


Primary subtitle (uppercase, bold font, center alignment). Explain the scope of the contributions of the study and the main novelty. Relate to background on the subject. If the nature of the work allows it, Results and Discussion can be united in a single subtitle.

Secondary subtitle (uppercase, normal font, left alignment). Where applicable, include full names, include institutions or agencies that grant sampling or collection permits.


Secondary subtitle (uppercase, normal font, left alignment). Include institutions or agencies that grant sampling, collection, and financing or funding sources.


Secondary subtitle (uppercase, normal font, left alignment). Describe the contributions of each author in the study.

Conflicts of interest

Secondary subtitle (uppercase, normal font, left alignment). Explicitly declare whether or not there are conflicts of interest between authors of with third parties.

Literature cited

Primary subtitle (uppercase, bold font, center alignment). Include only the references cited in the text. In the end, include page break.


Shorter works, up to 1500 words for the main body of the text. Edit in a similar way to long articles, except that the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections disappear, all of which are in a single body of text, with a minimum of subtitles.

Edit in a similar way to long articles, except that the titles of the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections can change at the authors' discretion with their subtitles.

Shorter works, up to 1500 words for the main body of the text. Edit in a similar way to long articles, except that the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections disappear, all of which are in a single body of text, with a minimum of subtitles.


Citations and bibliography

Acta Zoológica Lilloana follows APA guidelines for citations and references. APA ( is a generic format for editing and formatting texts, which includes the handling of citations and bibliography. Its use is widely known.

Aid to the author on APA format

In addition to bibliographic management programs, current versions of Word (> 2010) have an APA format bibliography management tool. There are also online tools (e.g.,

Include the last name of the first author and year of publication. If there are two, include both last names and the year (e.g., Zamudio and Sinervo, 2003). If there are three to five authors, add all the previous names the first time (e.g., Berta, Colomo, Valverde, Romero Sueldo, Dode, 2009), and the following citations refer them to the last name of the first author and then " et al. " (e.g., Berta et al., 2009). For more than five authors, quote with the last name of the first author and then "et al."
In the case of corporate authorship (institutions, ministries, agencies, civil organizations, companies), cite the full name of the organization the first time, and in parentheses (before the year) indicate the acronym (e.g., Bank World [BM] (1991)). In the following citations, refer to the acronym (e.g., BM, 1991).
In the case of several citations together, cite chronologically (e.g., Zapata, 1996; Maragliano and Montalti, 1997; Montalti and Kopij, 2001). In the case of repeated authorship from several citations of the same author in the same year, indicate year accompanied by a letter (e.g., 2011a, 2011b).

Use 1 cm French sangria. Make a list in alphabetical order. Each quote begins with the last name of the first author.
When there are several citations of the same author, cite chronologically. In the case of co-authors, follow the following order: first, publications by the author alone; second, publications by the author and a co-author; then the author's posts with two or more co-authors, and so on.
When the author (s) and year of publication coincide, order by location and sequence in the text by adding one letter per year (e.g., 2011a, 2011b).
Use the following APA style formats:

Citation format for articles

Beauplet, G., Guinet, C. (2007). Phenotypic determinants of individual fitness in female fur seals: larger is better. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 274, 1877-1883.

Berta, C., Colomo, M. V., Valverde, L., Romero Sueldo, M., Dode, M. (2009). Aportes al conocimiento de los parasitoides de larvas de Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) en el cultivo de soja, en Tucumán, Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana, 53, 16-20.

Citation format for books

Andersson, M. (1994). Sexual selection. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Heyer, R., Donnelly, M., McDiarmid, R., Hayek, L., Foster, M. (1994). Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity. Standard Methods for Amphibians. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Citation format for book chapters

Zamudio, K. R., Sinervo, B. (2003). Ecological and social contexts for the evolution of alternative mating strategies. In Lizard Social Behavior (83-106). Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.


To cite unpublished information in periodicals without ISSN or books without ISBNs, such as reports, newspaper articles, online portals, or presentations to congresses, include URL and access date in parentheses in the text. The link must be active.
For unpublished personal communications, includes the referrer's full name along with the abbreviation pers. comm., and communication date.

Otherwise, the information is not verifiable.

Inquiries and contact

We are available to address your concerns.
For any questions, contact the Editor,


Fundación Miguel Lillo, Dirección de Zoología,
Miguel Lillo 251, T4000JFE, San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina
Teléfono + 54 381 423 0056


Graphics editing services

Acta Zoológica Lilloana offers a high-quality graphics editing service, using modern programming standards.


During the editorial process, it is crucial to express the information clearly. Sometimes the graphics of articles submitted to the journal need improvements in visual expression and consistent with statistical approximations. With minimal requirements, research papers would offer better visualization. Since the service uses the R program (, of free access and use, it also allows and promotes reproducible practices, a prominent requirement of current research.


Dr. Facundo Xavier Palacio, Associate Editor Acta Zoológica Lilloana.


The service applies only to accepted manuscripts in Acta Zoológica Lilloana.

Authors who wish to access this service must send the following information:

  1. Name of the authors
  2. Manuscript code
  3. Number of the figure (s) to be modified / de novo
  4. Database / s used to make the figure
  5. A list of changes must be described clearly and in detail
  6. Declaration of acceptance of the terms of service and the editorial practice guidelines of Acta Zoológica Lilloana

The authors can also ask the coordinator for suggestions for better visualization of the figures. The coordinator will suggest changes if deemed necessary.

The service lasts one to two weeks, depending on the complexity of the work.

Editors may suggest the authors use of the service. The information provided to the coordinator will be confidential and will be filed in a repository shared access by the coordinator, the authors, and the publisher, in a link provided by The coordinator or any other editorial member may make use of this data except for what corresponds to this graphics editing service. Once done the service, the corresponding files will be removed from the repository. The works that contain figures processed by this service will carry in the acknowledgments section the legend "The figures have been edited by the Graphics Editing Service of Acta Zoológica Lilloana".

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

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